Cookie Policy - All
legal mumbo jumbo.


Yes we do!

We use cookies and other technologies to ensure everyone who uses Green Man Gaming has the best possible experience. Cookies also help us keep your account safe and allows the Green Man Gaming website to remember things like your preferences or what’s in your shopping basket. By continuing to visit or use our services and interacting with the content of our website, you are agreeing to the use of cookies and similar technologies for the purposes we describe in this policy.

At any point, you can change your preferences in our cookie settings.


A cookie is a small file placed onto your device that enables Green Man Gaming features and functionality. For example, cookies enable us to identify whether you are signed into your account, determine what currency and prices to display, and secure your access to our site. Cookies also help us to serve relevant ads to you on trusted third party websites and provide a more personalised experience.


We use cookies on our site and mobile application. Any browser visiting Green Man Gaming site and every device using our app will receive cookies from us. We also place cookies in your browser when you visit non-Green Man Gaming sites that host our adverts and content (for example our affiliate partners or Facebook).


We use two types: persistent cookies and session cookies. A persistent cookie helps us recognize you as an existing user, so it’s easier to return to Green Man Gaming or interact with our services without signing in again. After you sign in, a persistent cookie stays in your browser and will be read by Green Man Gaming when you return to our site. The retention period for a ‘persistent’ cookie is one year. Session cookies only last for as long as the session (usually the current visit to a website or a browser session) and are used to keep track of any interaction you make with our site during your visit (such as adding an item to your basket).


We use cookies in order to improve your user experience by enabling our services to ‘remember’ you, either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’). Our cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, storing your preferences, delivering more targeted advertising, and generally improving your experience on our website.

We use the following categories of cookies:

Categories of Cookies Description
Strictly Necessary We use Strictly Necessary cookies in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features, such as accessing your account, purchasing video games and displaying correct prices and availability. Without these cookies, the site will not function correctly.
Performance We use Performance cookies to collect and aggregate information about how you use and engage with our website, including what pages you are visiting and how you are accessing our site. Also known as ‘Analytics’ cookies, these cookies are a mixture of First and Third party cookies.
Functionality We use Functionality cookies to provide site functionality that is visible or advantageous to you or your experience on the site. This includes elements of on-site personalisation, and enhanced functionality like customer service support, feedback systems, surveys and competitions. These cookies are a mixture of First and Third party cookies.
Targeting & Advertising We use Targeting and Advertising cookies for the purpose of managing and analysing the performance of adverts, displaying adverts to you once you have left our site, and building user profiles to determine the display of advertising elsewhere. These are predominantly Third party cookies.


Cookie Company Typical Duration Category
__cf_bm CloudFlare 30 Minutes Strictly Neccessary
cf_clearance CloudFlare 12 Months Strictly Neccessary
_iidt | _vid_t FingerprintJS 12 Months Strictly Neccessary
.ASPXANONYMOUS Green Man Gaming 70 Days Strictly Neccessary
.AspNet.ApplicationCookie | AuthenticatedKey | AuthorizationKey | cacheId Green Man Gaming 14 Days Strictly Neccessary
_epiXSRF | ASP.NET_SessionId | CountryKey | GlobalCacheKey | gmg_user | gmg_user_group | gmg_verification | VisitorGroupKey | XSRF-TOKEN | .fUserStore Green Man Gaming Session Strictly Neccessary
impact Green Man Gaming 1 Month Strictly Neccessary
utag_main Tealium 12 Months Strictly Neccessary
CONSENTMGR Tealium 12 Months Strictly Neccessary
gmg_locale Green Man Gaming 12 Months Strictly Neccessary
_ALGOLIA Algolia 6 Months Strictly Neccessary
YSC | VISTOR_INFO1_LIVE YouTube 6 Months Strictly Neccessary
CONSENT | _Secure-ENID | SOCS | NID YouTube 13 Months Strictly Neccessary
1P_JAR YouTube 1 Month Strictly Neccessary
AEC YouTube Session Strictly Neccessary
ts | ts_c | KHcl0EuY7AKSMgfvHl7J5E7hPtK Paypal 13 Months Strictly Neccessary
x-pp-s | nsid Paypal Session Strictly Neccessary
tsrce Paypal 3 Days Strictly Neccessary
l7_az | LANG Paypal 1 Day Strictly Neccessary
enforce_policy Paypal 12 Months Strictly Neccessary
_fbp | _fbc Facebook 3 Months Targeting & Advertising
_rdt_uuid Reddit 3 Months Targeting & Advertising
_tt_enable_cookie | _ttp TikTok 13 Months Targeting & Advertising
_uetsid Bing Ads 1 Day Targeting & Advertising
_uetvid | MUID Bing Ads 13 Months Targeting & Advertising
muc_ads | personalization_id Twitter 13 Months Targeting & Advertising
IDE | NID Google 13 Months Targeting & Advertising
test_cookie Google 30 Minutes Targeting & Advertising
_ga_xxxxxxxx Google Analytics 13 Months Performance
_gat_xxxxxxxx Google Analytics 1 Minute Performance
_gid Google Analytics 1 Day Performance
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress | _hjFirstSeen | _hjSession_142592 Hotjar 30 Minutes Performance
_hjIncludedInSessionSample_142592 Hotjar 1 Minute Performance
_hjSessionUser_142592 Hotjar 12 Months Performance
gmgPID Green Man Gaming 1 Day Performance
channeloriginator | channelflow | channelcloser | _entry Green Man Gaming 1 Month Performance
ins-cloudnine-id Insider 12 Months Functionality


DNT is a concept that has been promoted by regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), for the Internet industry to develop and implement a mechanism for allowing Internet users to control the tracking of their online activities across websites by using browser settings. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been working with industry groups, Internet browsers, technology companies, and regulators to develop a DNT technology standard. While some progress has been made, it has been slow. No standard has been adopted to this date. As such, Green Man Gaming does not generally respond to “do not track” signals, but you can at any time change your cookie preferences in our cookie settings.


Cookies and other ad technology such as beacons, pixels, and tags help us serve relevant ads to you more effectively. They also help us provide aggregated auditing, research, and reporting, understand and improve our service, and know when content has been seen by you. Note: Because your web browser may request advertisements and beacons directly from third party ad network servers, these networks can view, edit, or set third party cookies, just as if you had requested a web page from their site. Ads served by Green Man Gaming may also set third party cookies.

If you are logged in on a website or app or another Service that references this Cookie Policy or browsing a third party partner site of Green Man Gaming and one of our cookies on your device identifies you, your usage (such as your browsing behavior) and log data (such as your IP address), will be associated by us with your account. We also use aggregate data from third parties and data from your profile and Green Man Gaming activity.

Unless you clear these cookies from your browser, we may use this information to:


We work with third parties who may also set cookies on our Website, and via the App, for example, Google, Facebook, Twitter, HotJar which we use to display video content, enable social networking functionality and sharing, to deliver ads, and to monitor how visitors use our Service. These third party suppliers are responsible for the cookies they set on your device. For further information please visit the website of the relevant third party.


Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. However, if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, you may worsen your overall user experience, since it will no longer be personalized to you. It may also stop you from saving customized settings like login information.

At any point, you may change your cookie settings through our Cookie Preference Centre. Please note that, in order for us to recognize that you have opted out of cookies, we have to place our Green Man Gaming opt-out cookie on your device so we can know not to set other Green Man Gaming cookies the next time you visit.

You could also use the functionality that most browsers provide you with, which lets you review and erase cookies, including Green Man Gaming cookies. Please note, however, that the Green Man Gaming site will not work properly without cookies.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit,


To learn more about advertisers’ use of cookies the following links are helpful:

Browser manufacturers provide help pages relating to cookie management in their products. Please see below for more information.

For other browsers, please consult the documentation that your browser manufacturer provides.


We may make alterations to this Cookie Policy from time to time and these variations shall become effective immediately upon being accessible from here or on the Effective Date.

We will use our reasonable efforts to notify you of any such changes, which will not apply to any earlier use of the Service or purchases of Games through the Service.

Your continued use of our Services will be deemed acceptance of the updated or amended Cookie Policy and these variations shall become effective immediately upon being accessible. If you do not agree to the changes, you should cease using the Service. If there is any conflict between this Cookie Policy and any terms or specific local terms appearing elsewhere on the Service then this policy shall prevail.


Version 0.3. (July 2023)
Effective Date on May 25th, 2018